Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year- 2012

Happy New Year to all of my family, friends and fellow blog readers. As I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my new years resolution, I remembered that I have a blog that I set up almost a year ago and have only written on it once. Thanks to that memory, I was able to come up with my new years resolutions for 2012. Let me explain a few things about myself....

I LOVE: photography, crafting, 4 seasons, family, friends, celebrations, animals, exploring new locations and getting lost while doing so, cooking, reading, singing at the top of my lungs, challenges, organizing and reading blogs to get new and different ideas then I already have.

So here's what I came up with for my new years resolutions!
1) I am going to take at least one picture a day with my camera that I love so much, and spent way to much money on to let it sit in the closet and collect dust.... so I am going to try to post said pictures every day to my blog, followed with a short, or maybe slightly longer post...we'll see how this works out for me... (i haven't quite figured out how to work blogger to the best of it's ability)

2) I am going to start doing 30 day challenges, every month. Some of my inspirations can be found at these websites: Better photographyhealthier eatinghome organization$0 monthly craft budget
Of course I am going to have to come up with some more ideas, so if you have any suggests, feel free to comment and let me know. I am thinking about a "30 days of no going out to eat" "30 days of home cooked meals" "30 days of finishing the unfinished projects" "30 days of walking" and who knows what else... If you would like to join in on any of the fun challenges I would love to blog back and forth about our progress! Of course with each of these challenges I am going to be posting the qualifications, my progress and documenting with pictures as much as I can! 

Now, I understand that these aren't the typical resolutions of save money, lose weight, work out.... but in the end, I am hoping that all of those typical goals will occur because of one of my 12 challenges that I am going to be creating for myself!

Check back regularly to see how I'm doing and check out the photos that I will be posting! And now, Jan1, 2012 : my first picture of the new year. No, we are not in our finest attire or anything, pj's work just great when you're ringing in the new year.... This is the tradition on my dads side of the family. All the ladies go outside with a wallet in hand (there has to be some money in the wallet) and a spoon full of sauerkraut...WHY???You may ask...well because we're silly of course... Right before the ball drops we put the sauerkraut in our mouths and hold it there until the ball drops, while we hold our wallet open and hold it to the sky. I have no idea who came up with this tradition in our family, but it's purpose is to bring us money for the coming year. As long as we end our year with a dollar in our wallet, we are assured to be able to end the new year with money as well! So yes, we all look silly standing on the back porch or in the front yard while doing this, but it's worked so far! And I am sure the neighbors get a kick out of it :)... so , that's it for me for today. Time to get ready for my day and spend it with my in-laws watching football and crocheting hats for the NICU babies... HAPPY NEW YEAR YA'LL!

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