Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A little of this and a little of that

Okay, so a friend of mine called me out and reminded me that I haven't been on my blog and posted since...... Thanks Nicole, for holding me accountable! There's been a lot going on and I haven't been on my computer in about a week and I just haven't figured out how to post from my phone yet...so here we go.....

Updates on my New Years Resolution:
*30 days to a more organized house- it's still in progress. I have not organized every day, but I have gotten over half of the kitchen completed. I have cleaned out and organized most of my cabinets, but decided that I am not going to post pictures of every drawer and cabinet.... but trust me, it's getting done, and my pretty green striped contact paper is looking so much prettier then the wooden cabinets.

*Taking pictures every day- well, lets just say, it's not been every day but I have still been taking pictures, maybe not of the most fabulous things, but they are pictures none-the-less... so here they are :) The first picture is of Gina and her group of Thirty One ladies that attended the new catalog premier in Fairborn, afterwards we went to dinner at Olive Garden!!!!
Tony and I decided to have a Tempura dinner last Tuesday (January 3,2011 and I decided that a picture was a must!!! What's all on the plate? from top left clockwise: sweet potato, shitake mushroom, asparagus, onion, lotus root, green pepper and the center was shrimp... and in the little green and black bowls, homemade tempura sauce... unfortunately I still have the burn marks from the grease splatters :( but dinner was delicious!

And this was tonight's dinner. It's the garden blend penne pasta with chicken and a homemade sauce that contained a couple of ounces of creme cheese, garlic, spinach, and parmesan cheese. It was pretty amazing also!!! Maybe I just love food and cooking :)

And this final picture was taken on a drive back home and I just thought that the tree looked pretty with the sky that night...I have definitely taken pictures of this very tree several times. It's in a great location to stop the car and get out to photograph and the sunset is always great in that area... just to the left of this tree is another great photo op of a really old barn that I like to take pics of also sometimes...depends on the angle that I have my car and how much time I have to mess around taking pictures!

So there you have it folks...I'm not really sure what else to post about tonight. but I may just make another post of some pictures from the Indianapolis zoo... We went there in October to celebrate our anniversary and there was a baby elephant and giraffe...so I think you need to see those pics as well... sounds like a plan...

If you feel so inclined, leave me a message and let me know that you've stopped by....or call me out on facebook and let me know that I haven't been keeping up with my own resolutions!

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